Dec 5, 2021
Elizabeth’s Chronic UTI Story Elizabeth was struck with gastroenteritis while holidaying in Hawaii. Within days she had also developed a urinary tract infection (UTI) and was treated with antibiotics. She responded well to the treatment but several weeks later...
Sep 3, 2021
Samantha’s Chronic UTI Story When Samantha felt a urinary tract infection (UTI) come on, a negative test at the Emergency Department sent her on a pathway she never expected. In no time she was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC) and she underwent repeated...
Jun 4, 2021
Linda’s Chronic UTI Story Linda had bladder issues for as long as she can remember. Even as a child she was aware she needed the bathroom more than most. It was inconvenient and sometimes embarrassing, but she developed strategies to manage social events...
May 1, 2021
Diane’s Chronic UTI Story Diane started to get recurrent UTIs several years after surgery for urinary incontinence using transvaginal tape (TVT). The surgery was successful but for a time she needed a catheter to empty her bladder. After a routine colonoscopy...
Mar 4, 2021
Kyla’s Chronic UTI Story This is my story… Not many people know that I have suffered from a chronic illness (chronic urinary tract infection/embedded UTI) that is not recognised by the NHS. My family only know the extent of how ill I was and how badly it...
Jan 7, 2021
Laura R’s Chronic UTI Story Laura’s experience with urinary tract infections (UTIs) was limited. She’d only had two UTIs before, but her third was different. It did not fully respond to antibiotics and her symptoms returned within days to weeks...